- SACCA has been running a livelihood program and supporting youth from streets and vulnerable families.
- Young adults who dropped out of school because of inability to meet the school needs and requirements, and families so that they are able to have a livelihood that aims at sustainability.
This is achieved through provision of support in short vocational courses (Culinary Arts, Hair Dressing, construction and Masonry) that easily enable self-employment or easy access to jobs. We professionalize construction workers and give them skills to do professional laying work and construction work
- Also empowering them in Agribusiness (horticulture) and running small business. Initially agriculture was perceived as a way of survival, now we are shifting mindsets and showing prospectives, agriculture can have a business angle. Training is given seeds are provided along with chemicals.
WJR- UK is greatly appreciated based for injecting the financial support in the livelihood program. The outcome of this program is outstanding and remarkable because the participants have direct improvement in the income and therefore improved livelihood
Soft skill training is a complete entrepreneurship training that guides prospective on how to get a job, perform on the job and run a business. They are shown how to manage their own money, and after the training they are visited at their jobs and they make sure their jobs are going okay.
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